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Hi im Obi, I was born Feburary 26 2007 so im a pisces. I am also a baby witch and a fot de lunar peruvian princess aka loser girl.

I often tend to dream too big for my own good have too high of hopes for humanity only to have all my goals ane expectations to be crushed by reality. I am definetly one of the dumbest girls you will ever meet and have accidentally been in two cults, but I would look past that and consider myself to be a pretty laid back average person. maybe you can tell or not but im a pretty shameless girl (not the show its so bad I had to stop watching it cause there was too many sex scenes) But I live in the windy city of chicago, funny thing is I really dislike all the concrete and the stupid wind I used to think I wanted to live somewhere like a suburb or maybe even michigan or indiana but I just dont think I would find solitude anywhere in the midwest so ive learned to accept all the shittyness this city has to offer cause the truth is that the suburbs has just as many drug addicts and bad families as the city does they just get more bored and are better at hiding it lol. In the past few years ive had some strange drug problems that have made me reflect lots on my external and internal world and life, for many years the drugs were making me underestimate my potential and run away from my goals and acheivments and decay my morals in the way that I felt like I turned back into a baby relearning every single thing in my life as if I had never experinced them in this new state of mind. In this 3 year mind altering bender I contemplated suicide and even attempted it multiple times

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